Friday, December 17, 2010

Jesus, a twin?!?!?

Graham has been playing with our nativity scene nonstop since we put it out ... don't laugh if you come over and see that I have brought it back down from the attic in July!! I always find the pieces in very interesting places, and sometimes I'll stand back and listen ... I've heard, "Hi, I'm Jesus. I'm going to climb the ladder." and "Hey, little sheep I'm going to throw you on the roof." It's quite entertaining!! Earlier this week, I found that he had gotten the other baby Jesus from our other nativity scene and added it to the big one. I guess his sweet little brain thinks that 2 babies is normal. I often wonder how different Graham's life would be if he had just gotten one sibling instead of twins. I feel like he was a bit forced to grow up a little faster than his peers ... I had so little time to "baby" him since I had 2 true babies to care for. And I'm probably creating him to be a homebody since we spend A LOT of time at home because it's just hard to go out with 3 small kids alone. I also wonder what the dynamics of their relationships will be as they all grow older. Will Graham be just as close to the twins as any brothers 23 months apart or will it be different because Luke and Carter have a special bond as twins? Anyway, enough deep thoughts ... hope everyone out there is enjoying the true meaning of Christmas - the birth of our Savior. Graham can't wait to celebrate Jesus's birthday and have cupcakes and open presents for him because "he's too little to open presents, Mommy, he's just a baby" :)
Apparently, Graham thinks Jesus must have been a twin :)

I find him like this daily


Katie Moore said...

Awesome blog and pics! I cannot wait to see who Graham grows to be. Love that guy!!!

Robin said...

That is the cutest thing I have ever seen! I guess Graham just thinks babies come in twos :)