Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Graham has been making me laugh this week ... story #1: He asked to drink his juice in a cup from the cabinet. I pulled it down and it had this little toy doggie in the bottom part, and he looked at me with all seriousness and asked, "Mommy, is that a real dog?" It's so funny to try to get inside the mind of a 3 year old :) Story #2: He was "playing baseball" this morning - with a whisk, mind you - and he ran into Luke and Carter's room since I was changing Luke's (I think) diaper, and said, "They got me out. I'm going to the locker room," and he walked into the closet and closed the door behind himself. And my favorite ... story #3: I started a smiley face chart to try to motivate Graham to stay in his room after putting him to bed (once he gets 5, he gets to go out for ice cream). Last night he came out once to go poop, so I decided to give him half of a smiley face. He was up early this morning and ate cereal and played before we got up. I didn't see his chart on the fridge, so I did some investigating and found that he had gotten into the markers in the playroom. He had scribbled all over a different piece of paper, but the only mark on his chart was him trying to draw in the other half of his smiley face :)

Luke lovin some black beans

A little visit from cousin Joseph

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