Friday, June 19, 2009


I feel like I lead a pretty low-key life with little drama, but this week has been a bit different. My son has decided to be a little monkey crawling out of his crib constantly ... he not only also figured out how to open his door, he figured how to unlock it, too. BUT, I outsmarted him by taking off the doorknob and switching it, so that the lock is now on the outside and I can lock him in there :) All week long we have found him either asleep on the floor or in the chair in his room ... he is one crazy boy. We will be moving him to a big boy bed VERY soon. I also had another ultrasound this week that went well (baby A measured 2 lbs. and B measured 1 lb. 13 oz). My doctor's visit went great, too. And then she called me about an hour after I left to say that my cervical length has shortened 25% in the last 5 weeks and is concerned about our vacation next week :( All that to say, I went back yesterday (yes, on my birthday) to have a fetal fibronectin test (a pre-term labor test) and my results were negative, which is good and my dr. said she is fine with us going on our trip!!!!!!!!! THEN, she tells me that my glucose screening test came back 2 points over the cutoff and I need to go back next week for the 3 hour test. I might as well get a second address at the doctor's office :) I kind of wish I was pregnant 30 yrs. ago ... sometimes ignorance is bliss!! But on the positive side, I have healthy babies, I'm healthy, and I have a dr. who is being careful and looking out for our best interest, so I am VERY thankful.
My sweet babies!!

Kind of a freaky 3D pic ... I know it's hard to see their little faces (baby B's bum was in baby A's face and baby B's leg was in its own face)

Bye-bye crib

1 comment:

Robin said...

I love the ultrasound pictures. They look perfect to me! Hope your glucose test goes well.